We Consider Ourselves to be God

294.2Question: What does a dog think about man? “He feeds me, takes care of me, walks me. He must be God.” What does a cat think about a person? “He feeds me, takes care of me. I guess I am God.”

What do we humans think about the Creator? He feeds us, He takes care of us. What do we think about Him?

Answer: That we are God.

Question: Why? Why can’t I say: “Thank You! You take care of me. You are God.”

Answer: Because by doing so, I lose my independence.

Question: Do I want this freedom, do I need independence?

Answer: Yes, of course. This is how we are created.

Question: So, He as if cut us off from Himself?

Answer: Actually, He concealed Himself so I would re-establish the right relationship with Him myself.

Question: Is this possible only if I do not see Him?

Answer: Yes. If I cannot find Him, but keep looking for Him, I gradually realize that He is, in fact, the center of my existence.

Question: At what point do I start looking for Him? At what point am I dissatisfied with myself, my efforts, and my capabilities?

Answer: When you become utterly disillusioned with your search: for yourself, life, the purpose of life, the Creator, and so on, then you start getting closer to finding Him.

Question: Do I have to reach disillusionment?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: But I have to invest in the search.

My Response: Absolutely, everything you have got.

Question: Is it about doing everything myself; should my efforts be such?

Answer: Yes. And after you realize that you cannot do anything yourself, you begin to wonder where is this connection with the Creator found?

Question: You said: “I cannot do anything.” Is there really nothing I can do?

Answer: Nothing. Until one puts up his hands and completely entrusts himself to the upper force, nothing will work.

Question: Today we see that wars and crises are nearing, there will be more and more of them, environmental disasters, and so on. Will this lead us to the point of realizing that we cannot do anything?

Answer: Good question. What we see today, I doubt will lead to the realization. Humanity still has very little awareness of its situation, its dependence. It thinks it can still do something.

Question: So I have to pull this “rug” out from under me to see I can’t do anything?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And this is the main theme: “We cannot do anything without You?”

Answer: We cannot do anything without the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/15/22

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