How to See a New World

929Those righteous ones, the authors of The Zohar, and especially Rabbi Shimon, their thoughts and words were in actual deeds, for according to the quality of the innovations in the Torah that they discovered, the upper degrees were promptly set up and arranged after them in actual fact. That is, the righteous build worlds with their innovations in the Torah (Zohar for All, Beresheet – 1, Article “The Sling-Stone,” Item 200).

Question: Are these worlds internal or external?

Answer: Everything is inside a person. There is nothing outside of us. Everything that seems to us as existing outside of us: the world, stars, people, and the Earth is the way we feel what is happening within us. There is nothing outside. All our perception of reality, as if I take something, hold it in my hands, and see it; all this appears only inside me.

Therefore, to the extent that I change and improve my qualities, I see a different world, a new world. But everything is inside a person. A person is a small world and he includes everything.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/23, Zohar for All “Introduction to The Book of Zohar,” “Torah and Prayer”

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