Spiritual and Physical Closeness

627.2Question: Children are like the next degree, the resulting derivatives. How can it be that a person does not have the data that parents received—you, for example?

Answer: How can he receive this? What does matter have to do with it? It does not exist at all. This is the most minimal layer that is revealed to us. All our other levels are much higher. Our world is the lowest. All Reshimot come from the worlds of Assiya, Yetzira, Beria, and Atzilut. So, nothing like that can even be here.

Question: But does your corporeal child exist at the spiritual level?

Answer: He has a Reshimo, nothing more! If he yearns, he will enter this system. I cannot really help him here even if he is my favorite child.

I will help another physically, a complete stranger, because he has a great desire to come closer to the Creator, to reveal the upper world. I will naturally help him based on my new data. That is, spiritual closeness is not physical closeness.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Invention of Cinema” 2/11/12

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