My Own Boss

555Question: Throughout the world today, especially in Western Europe, more and more apartments are being built that are designed for one person. People are less willing to burden themselves with a relationship with someone, and instead are planning their lives alone. Why is this happening?

Answer: First, it is because we can afford to provide ourselves with food, groceries, services, laundry, etc., and be our own bosses.

When living with someone else and constantly feeling that next to you is someone who limits you is not for everyone. Only if a person has some special relationship with another person, can he endure him, sacrifice himself, and limit himself in order to give him room.

But today, people are not entirely ready for this. Why should I squeeze myself into the corner of my own apartment in order to make room for another? I must clearly imagine what I can get from this and why it is more convenient for me, and so on.

When people had problems buying food, cooking, cooling, or heating, especially if they had a child, they made compromises. A modern person, however, can provide himself with everything necessary.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the Modern Turbulent World” 8/3/23

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