In Transition between Two Worlds

13.03Question: During the Coronavirus epidemic we were forced to switch to virtual interaction. We are now trying to get back to physical meetings and have a hard time meeting once a week. What do such meetings add to us, and is it worth striving for them?

Answer: We start our path in our world and so we must continue it. There can be no other opinions here. We must come together in ever larger groups according to the strength, quantity, and quality of the unity.

We are obliged to draw closer to each other; this is the program of creation. In other words, we must feel the yearning to unite hearts and inner desires. Although we do not have any natural inclinations for this, we are obligated to do it.

We must return the whole world, everything that exists in the universe, to a single desire that would want to be together in its inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human manifestations. This is what we are moving toward now. We are at a turning point, at a pass.

We need to understand this well, think about it, and evaluate it considering the entire history of humanity, everything that happens to us, as necessary actions for our correction. We have to think and talk about it, feel it, and that is how we should act and advance.

Do not worry. We are moving forward. We will still have to unite to the extent that we will no longer feel the difference between us until all our bodies and all of corporeality begin to disappear from our sensations.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/12/23, Writing of Rabash “The Importance of Faith that Is Always Present”

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