The Convergence of Two Worlds

243.05The gradual descent of the upper world into our world, its approach to us, gives a feeling of crisis in our world. The fact is that the upper network is an integral, balanced system, full of love, compassion, and mutual interaction. As it approaches the material world, it awakens forces that are completely foreign to it, like induction leads.

They are called the surrounding light, which acts at a distance like a magnet, like an inductor, that penetrates from the coil to a lower level. There is a colossus hanging over our world that is slowly descending to it, like in movies about the arrival of aliens.

Therefore, our world feels a crisis because we are in contradiction to what descends on us from above. This is a terrible condition!

If we do not become like the upper world, we will be almost completely destroyed! Only a small fraction of people will remain who, in the end, from the enormous suffering they have experienced, will realize the need to rise above their egoism to the platform that is descending to us and will reach balance with it.

Even if we want to get rid of these huge extraterrestrial forces, we still cannot. We can only become like them.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Who influences Laitman?” 8/20/11

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