Revealing the Real Creator

276.02Question: Let’s say that humanity has invented some kind of drink and enjoys it, or discovered some law of nature and uses it for its own benefit. Is this a revelation of the Creator?

Answer: Yes, in part this is also the revelation of the Creator. But this is not what Kabbalah talks about.

Question: What else can be revealed? What kind of Creator can be attained that Kabbalah speaks about, but ordinary sciences do not?

Answer: Kabbalah says that we can attain the real Creator. It is the Creator and not some of His secondary manifestations in nature. But we can do this only according to the law of equivalence of qualities.

If I am to some extent bestowing like the Creator, then I will be able to reveal these qualities of bestowal in myself. Then I will feel what the Creator feels. To this extent I will become similar and close to Him.

That is, if I become a bestower, and just as today I constantly search where I can receive something, so I will also search for what else I can bestow to others, and then I will be able to feel like the Creator to some extent. It will fulfill me.
But this is not easy to implement.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/30/22

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