Incredible Pleasure

284.05Comment: If we imagine that a person bestows to someone, enjoys it, and the Creator is revealed as a result of it, it looks somewhat strange.

My Response: What else do we need? The Creator is revealed within you, in your new qualities. If you acquire His qualities of bestowal and connection, then instead of egoistic desires, you reveal altruistic desires of bestowal within yourself.

Question: I understand this. It is just that Kabbalists who have attained the Creator write that this is such an incredible pleasure that for the sake of this for one second a person would be willing (figuratively speaking) to cut off his hands and feet seven times a day.

Is it possible that a person who bestows to another person, helps another, really feels such incredible pleasure?

Answer: Obviously, yes. They come to this gradually. With the help of restriction, the screen, and other various techniques, Kabbalists are able to behave in such a way that the revelation of the Creator does not prevent them from being connected with other people and, at the same time, receiving everything and giving it to others.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/30/22

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