Correction of The World Depends on Women

632.3Women play a very important role in correcting the world. After all, this world exists only thanks to women. A woman is a house, shopping, and the household. A woman gives birth to children and also raises, educates, and takes care of them.

Everyone understands perfectly well how a man would look if there were no woman next to him; he would look like a boy who is always unwashed, disorganized, and unfocused.

A woman is such a special creature in the world that brings order to it and maintains this order. No man can replace her in this, as this is how this world works. In Judaism, a woman is called a “house.” Therefore, it is a woman’s duty to put life in order in every house, in every village, in every city, and in every country. It is all in your hands, and every man and every woman should participate in this work.

A woman is called a “house” because her husband eventually does what she asks at home. It turns out that the world is ruled by women. Only they do not want to declare it loudly because the nature of a woman is such that she likes to remain modestly in the shadows and does not want to take responsibility.

In order to change this world for the better, women need to become more feminine, and then men will listen to them. A man loves when a woman is gentle, quiet, and listens to him more than one who is rude and demanding. But women know well when to shout at their husband and when to cry, and so with these two oars they steer the family ship in the middle line.

Women should understand that it depends only on them whether we can make this world kinder and more stable. It is said that “People of Israel came out of Egypt (from slavery) by virtue of righteous women.” A righteous woman is one who knows what justice is, what the goal is, and how to establish the correct relationship with her husband, as well as with all women and all men in the world, so that there is a spirit of mutual guarantee in the world. This is a great thing.

If women realize that the ultimate correction of the world depends on them and they take on this mission, then everyone will follow them, and we will succeed. Every man remembers that when he was a child, he was raised by women: his mother, grandmother, older sister, kindergarten teacher, school teacher, etc. So why not continue this correct, kind, and devoted care. It is necessary to connect female power to the governance of the world and in this form we will certainly come closer to a good life.

The problem is that we teach women how to become businesswomen. However, the task of a woman, as if in a family, is to take care of a man and support him. Without wise support, men will grow up like hooligans, like street kids. This is exactly what we see in the world today.

However, with the correct support of a woman who knows how to behave and continues to be an intelligent educator and teacher for a man, good men grow out of men, and become sensitive and respectful to women. It takes time and a lot of mutual work between men and women for men to realize that it is necessary to cooperate with women and also let them come to the fore.

Women should understand that they cannot hide behind men’s backs; they need to behave just like at home, where a woman takes over the whole household: cleans, cooks, and washes.

This family way of life should be extended to the entire space outside the home walls, and then we will have to join men to this work. After all, instead of simple washing, we will need a laundry factory, and instead of simple cooking in the kitchen, a food processing plant, where many men and women work. This is a completely different scale and is the future.
From KabTV’s “Conversation with Journalists” 11/15/22

Related Material:
The World Will Be Corrected through a Woman
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 3
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women

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