The World Will Be Corrected through a Woman

294.4In the News (CNBC): Of the estimated 828 million people globally who were affected by hunger in 2021, around three-in-five (59%) were women, according to a report released earlier this month by humanitarian organization Care.

“That’s equivalent to 150 million more women facing food insecurity than men.

“And the gap is widening. …

“According to the U.N.‘s 2022 ‘The state of food security and nutrition in the world’ report, women have poorer food security than men in every region in the world. That disparity is especially pronounced in developing countries and specifically in the Global South. …

“‘Women are very heavily socialized to pull that burden on themselves. And everyone around them is socialized to assume that they will,’ Janoch said. …

“Indeed, even when both men and women are technically food insecure, women still tend to bear the bigger burden.

“In Somalia, for example, men reported eating smaller meals while women reported skipping meals altogether.”

Comment: In many places in the world “women eat last and eat least.” You keep giving the example of a woman and a child as an example of bestowal in our world.

Could you say a little about a woman in this perspective?

My Response: Responsibility. After all, a woman feels her family, her children, her husband, and all her surrounding space. For her, this is herself. Therefore the Torah says: “A woman is a house.”

Question: Are these not the greatest qualities for our world?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Why can we not give the reins of power and everything else to a woman?

Answer: No, she cannot do that. But when a man does everything for her sake, then it will be good because we have to create such conditions for a woman, with the help of which the world will actually be corrected.

Question: That is, will the world be corrected through a woman?

Answer: Yes. This is true.

Question: Why does a woman have all these qualities? Is it because she can give birth?

Answer: Because she can give birth. Because she feels nature through herself, through the heart, through the uterus. That is what is written in the Bible. Abraham was told straight away, “Listen to what Sarah tells you.” This is not simple.

Question: Can we see this as a piece of advice that you need to listen to what a woman tells you?

Answer: This was the Creator’s instruction to Abraham!

Comment: Is this mainly about the natural wisdom of a woman?

My Response: Yes, precisely about natural wisdom. Not an artificial one, like in a man.

Question: Do you perceive nature as female?

Answer: In general, yes. A man is made for correction to the extent that he can earn the quality of correction, the power of correction. A woman, however, on her own is already inside nature.

Question: Does it mean that if we listened to a woman, if we treated a woman correctly and worked for her, there would be no wars, suffering, or troubles?

Answer: In general, of course.

Question: Is it possible to lock everything on a woman?

Answer: It depends on how to turn it. But in general, yes. If we listened to a woman, then of course there would be more order in the world. This is clear to everyone.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/1/22

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