A House Needs A Wise Woman

laitman_531.03We see that the role of women is growing in the modern world: women are becoming stronger and gaining more and more influence. They are more in control of their desires and more goal-oriented.

The weakness of women is in the fact that they need male support to realize their goals. But as soon as women receive such support, they are able to complete an execution that men are incapable of.

I hope that in the future women will have a greater access to world leadership in the correct and natural cooperation with men. The world will then cease to be as primitive and corrupted as it was when led by men while women were staying at home taking care of children and households. We see that what is happening now is the opposite: the further the world moves toward the end of correction, the more power women gain.

Every man is afraid of his wife. It is because a woman takes care of the house, she rules it. It is a characteristic feature of our time. Rabash joked, saying about someone: “This is a righteous man; he is not afraid of anyone except the Creator and his wife.” And there is truth in it indeed.

Now in many cities women have been elected mayor. Why not? If a woman can control a house, then she can well control a city. A man is more distracted and not very suitable for this role. A man is stronger, but a woman is more reasonable and able to support different systems at the same time.

Just as she copes at home with all her responsibilities at the same time: laundry, meals, children, and a thousand different things on top of it; and everything is in order. Try to remove a woman from the house so that a man runs the whole house alone, and within a week the apartment will turn into a garbage dump.

So it is written: “A woman is a house.” But is not a country and the world our home? A woman lacks only male support, and everything will be settled. I am sure that if women were at the head of all governments, they would establish peace in the world. No matter how difficult it would be for women to agree with each other, they would come to an agreement, because a woman is ready to agree and incline herself for the sake of achieving peace.

Men and women should feel like equal partners, each one reasonably perceiving their role and knowing that if, by virtue of the qualities given to us by nature, we replenish each other to one complete perfection, then this will be a correction.

It is written in the book “Sefat Emet,” in the portion Pinchas “About Adam it is written that two creations were created, that is, it is in man’s power to attract the glow from the future world. Male power draws the soul from the upper world, and female power completes the action of correction in this world.” A woman is a vessel receiving the illumination, and the strength of a man is in order to attract this glow from above for the sake of bestowal, that is, by means of intention.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/8/20, Lesson on the Topic “International Women’s Day”

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