Audio Version Of The Blog – 10/8/22

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Is It Possible to Influence the Intensity of our Feelings?

537Question: You said that a person does not feel most changes. Can a person somehow influence this process?

Answer: In no way can a person influence what one does not feel! He has no approach to this. Therefore, we are completely powerless here.

Question: In principle, a person does not feel any science. But he goes to  university, they give him an approach, he begins to try it, and gradually his feelings are built up in the same way as understanding.

Can there be some approach here to correctly feel the changes, the next states, and the next goal? Or are we just running the way we always do and that is it?

Answer: We are rushing through the ether at a tremendous speed, and all of it is moving no one knows where. How, why, and what will happen in the next moment we do not know. Therefore, all our movements are based only on the assumption that the future will be approximately the same as the past, with a small margin of error. That is how we live.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/23/22

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Life Is Change
What Are We Moving Toward?
A Human Territory

Before the Collapse of the Temple

962.2Comment: It is said: “When you’re sick, you should see a doctor. He is given the right to treat.”

My Response: This was not said about our doctors and not in our time. It was about the times of Hippocrates and Avicenna, about the times when there were great Kabbalistic sages among the Jews before the collapse of the Temple.

The collapse of the Temple, meaning the fall of that part of humanity called the people of Israel from the spiritual degree greatly affected everything! The Middle Ages arrived, everything went into stagnation, and everything went into decline. Before that, even the Romans and Greeks were not so cruel.

Of course no one is to blame for this. It is the upper program that created such conditions through them. But the fact that through them the upper program destroyed Israel in the form in which it existed, even though it had already slipped to the point that it had to be destroyed, it turned the whole world around. Since then, medicine and everything has gone into a completely different direction.

Before that everything was different. Even relations among other nations were not as barbaric as later. Where are these ancient Greeks? Look at Greece for the last two thousand years. What was it like? And the Romans? And so on. Even the ancient Arab world. Everything has collapsed everywhere. Wars and battles were not needed.

However, all this is nearing completion.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Cause of All Diseases” 7/23/13

Related Material:
Long Way To The Temple, Part 10
Why Do Jews Hate Each Other?
The Third Temple—The Final Correction

Imperative Link in the Chain

962.5Without Rabash’s articles, we would not know how to properly attune ourselves to the goal and to connect with Baal HaSulam who gives us academic advice from a great spiritual height.

We are not able to extract the details for our connection from there in order to take even one step in practically implementing it. Rabash starts right from the beginning and explains every step to us. After that we can better understand and implement Baal HaSulam’s methodology.

When we come to the direct realization of Kabbalah, the practice of revealing the Creator, the articles of Rabash and The Book of Zohar become essential for us.

Rabash’s articles help us form the right intention and The Book of Zohar helps us attract the light that reveals the spiritual world to this intention. Rabash did something that no Kabbalist had done before him; he described all the stages of a person’s inner work, the practical implementation of the Torah.

He was the only one in the entire chain of Kabbalists starting from Adam HaRishon who gave a concrete step-by-step explanation of the work of a person and a group, which is so necessary today.

Before him, Kabbalists wrote about their individual attainments because this was the spiritual progress in the era of 2,000 years of concealment and exile from the spiritual.

Before going into exile, people were in spiritual attainment and there was no need to talk about something that each child mastered as he grew.

But today, in order to rise from concealment, we need materials that would orient us to enter the spiritual world and it is possible only by studying Rabash’s articles.

Without Rabash’s articles, we would not have been able to correctly understand other Kabbalistic sources.

Therefore, our work is divided into two parts.

1. Study of Rabash’s articles.

2. If we attune ourselves correctly, then we turn to The Book of Zohar or The Study of the Ten Sefirot and can already work with them correctly as we attract the correcting light.

Rabash was very discreet and modest and always kept in the shadow of his great father. All his strength and might were hidden deep inside, so it was impossible to see anything from the outside.

He was the first to teach Kabbalah to non-religious people without any distinction in origin and he considered it very important to disseminate Kabbalah widely.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson, 9/11/10

Related Material:
For Rabash’s Memorial Day
How To Hear Rabash’s Articles
About Rabash’s Articles

Following the Spiritual Line of the Teacher

115Baal HaSulam had students whom he was holding at a spiritual degree. When he died, they fell from it. The same can be true for our students. Now they are at a certain degree, but when I will cease to exist…I do not even want to think how this can continue.

Naturally, the force that holds them will fall and they will not be able to maintain contact with me in the spiritual space. They will fall. This is the case with all Kabbalists and their students.

Comment: But you have students who have been studying with you for fifteen or twenty years.

My Response: It does not depend on time. To do this, one must be infinitely devoted to the teacher. Therefore, people prefer the son to take the place of his father. After all, a son, as a rule, does not go against the father. He follows him, and does not want to harm his father because from the point of view of egoism, this is also his possession.

Any other person, however, envies, thinks about himself, instinctively wants to exalt himself at your expense. This is what we need to overcome. This is how we are created, nothing can be done about this. But at the same time, therein lies the problem. It takes a lot of time and effort, until the student overcomes his “I” and merges with the teacher inside the teacher, only a few are capable of this.

The rest, however, are also advancing, it does not matter, each person performs his own function. But someone manages to follow the spiritual line after the teacher, someone else does not.

Rabash did it with Baal HaSulam. Nobody else succeeded in that. Nobody! I spoke with eyewitnesses, they said: “After Baal HaSulam died, all his disciples, except for Rabash…” Of course, they did something: they met, studied, taught others, but it was clear that all this was, what is called, ordinary courses for the general population.

The same is true about times after Rabash. I stepped aside, I did not want to deal with anyone. Then I was pulled into one group, there were only five or six people who forcibly made me their teacher, I did not want this. It is not that I did not know how, but I had to give up what I had and would ruin myself.

In general, everything is arranged from heaven. Then it turned out that gradually students began to gather who wanted me to teach them at least once a week. It probably was just the fact that the time had come.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Dr. Laitman’s Prophecy” 6/25/13

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Absolute Devotion to the Teacher
Rabash’s Successors
For The Next Generation