Before the Collapse of the Temple

962.2Comment: It is said: “When you’re sick, you should see a doctor. He is given the right to treat.”

My Response: This was not said about our doctors and not in our time. It was about the times of Hippocrates and Avicenna, about the times when there were great Kabbalistic sages among the Jews before the collapse of the Temple.

The collapse of the Temple, meaning the fall of that part of humanity called the people of Israel from the spiritual degree greatly affected everything! The Middle Ages arrived, everything went into stagnation, and everything went into decline. Before that, even the Romans and Greeks were not so cruel.

Of course no one is to blame for this. It is the upper program that created such conditions through them. But the fact that through them the upper program destroyed Israel in the form in which it existed, even though it had already slipped to the point that it had to be destroyed, it turned the whole world around. Since then, medicine and everything has gone into a completely different direction.

Before that everything was different. Even relations among other nations were not as barbaric as later. Where are these ancient Greeks? Look at Greece for the last two thousand years. What was it like? And the Romans? And so on. Even the ancient Arab world. Everything has collapsed everywhere. Wars and battles were not needed.

However, all this is nearing completion.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Cause of All Diseases” 7/23/13

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