Audio Version Of The Blog – 10/18/22

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Unconscious Reception of the Light

548.02[It is explained that after the restriction] the light of Ein Sof extended a line to the worlds that were emanated and created in the place of the space that was restricted… Then, one straight line extended from the light of Ein Sof, from His circular light from above downward, and hung down into that space (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Restriction and line,” Chapter 2).

After the restriction, a ray of light was extended from the light of Ein Sof (Infinity) that was surrounding and filling creation before the restriction, from the previous state of creation to the next one. This ray contains absolutely all the qualities, parameters, and influences that light has in order to completely fill and correct desire. In this way, light comes from the Creator to creation and begins to fill it.

Question: Does this filling happen at the will of creation or does it happen unconsciously?

Answer: No, this does not happen according to the will of creation because there is not such a phase of desire that existed before the light. The light, gradually enters the desire, begins to change it, and changes it until the desire passes through four phases of its development.

Then it feels the receiving of light as absolute, as filling it, and begins to feel the light inside itself as causing something opposite to its quality, which forces the desire to restrict itself.

After the restriction, creation began to receive light in the form of a line stretching from infinity. Before that, it was receiving light in the form of a circle, in a completely unlimited form.

The difference between these two types of connection with the upper force is that receiving in the form of a circle is unlimited and independent of the qualities of creation. Receiving in the form of a line, however, is limited by the qualities of the line and represents a conformity between the desires of creation and the line that comes from the Creator in the form of a pipe. The light goes through the pipe and fills creation.

That is, both states are unconscious and are determined by the difference in the initial qualities between the Creator and creation.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/2/22

Related Material:
Bring Light To The World
A Single Line—Influence of the Creator on the Created Beings
Two Types of Light

Ask For Love for Everyone

236.01Question: Prayer is an appeal to the Creator, which is called raising MAN. MAN is an abbreviation of Mei Nukvin, which means female waters. The Creator’s answer to a prayer is called MAD—Mei Dhurin, male waters. What is MAN and what is MAD?

Answer: Female waters are a request, the raising of some desires to the Creator. And male waters are the answer.

Question: Why water?

Answer: It is known from Kabbalah that water is a quality of Bina, and in the quality of Bina we can turn to the Creator either with one or another inclination.

Female waters mean that inside is a need, a desire, and a lack of fulfillment, and male, on the contrary, means fulfillment and open desires.

It turns out that creation is a female type, and light, a filling, is a male type. But this has nothing to do with corporeal men and women.

That is, a person is determined by the desire. You need to learn this and only then adjust yourself correctly. In general the work that a person does in his heart, in his desire, gradually adjusts him to the right appeal to nature, to the upper force, to receive strength and fulfillment from it.

In Kabbalah, prayer is the most important, most essential human action. Coming to the right prayer is our goal throughout the years of studying Kabbalah and, in general, throughout our lives.

Question: I understand that prayer should be from the heart. But is there a standard, best version of it to which a person should come? What should he ask, at least outwardly?

Answer: Ask for love for everyone, nothing more.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

Related Material:
What Is Prayer?
Nothing Will Help But Prayer
The Prayer The Creator Hears

The Law of the Universe

548.02Because the light of Ein Sof was even, the restriction too was even. This is the meaning of the circle (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Restriction and line,” Chapter 1).

A circle is an ideal even shape. Therefore, when the light created and filled the creation and the creation felt itself opposite to the light, its restriction was also in the form of a circle.

Since the light of Ein Sof was completely even, it had to have restricted itself evenly on all sides, and not restrict itself on one side more than on the others.

The restriction happened in all phases and absolutely in all directions since this was determined by the nature of the light that filled the creation.

That is, restriction is the law of the universe that says if a person wants to receive light for his own sake, he does not have the opportunity to do so.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/2/22

Related Material:
The Major Law Of The Universe
The Seven Sciences That Originate From Kabbalah
Balance Will Cure Everything

Attune to the Request to the Creator

562.02Question: What are the types of prayers?

Answer: There are a lot of them. There are requests, there are thanks, and there are many different prayers. But, in principle, two types prevail: request and gratitude.

If we turn to the Creator, we must first establish some kind of relationship with Him. Therefore, there are prayers that allow a person to properly tune oneself just like you tune a musical instrument so that it can really reproduce your feelings. This is usually the first part of the prayer.

There are also prayers that speak about the Creator: Who do we turn to, who is He, what is He, why should we perceive Him in this way and not otherwise.

In order to correctly address Him, we must understand His properties, His nature. In addition, we need to tune in to gratitude, to a request, to any, whatever our relationship with ourselves, the world, the Creator. All this is necessary for a person to feel and make the appropriate tuning.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

Related Material:
How To Address The Creator?
Tuning In To The Creator
How Can We Ask The Creator For Anything?