Ask For Love for Everyone

236.01Question: Prayer is an appeal to the Creator, which is called raising MAN. MAN is an abbreviation of Mei Nukvin, which means female waters. The Creator’s answer to a prayer is called MAD—Mei Dhurin, male waters. What is MAN and what is MAD?

Answer: Female waters are a request, the raising of some desires to the Creator. And male waters are the answer.

Question: Why water?

Answer: It is known from Kabbalah that water is a quality of Bina, and in the quality of Bina we can turn to the Creator either with one or another inclination.

Female waters mean that inside is a need, a desire, and a lack of fulfillment, and male, on the contrary, means fulfillment and open desires.

It turns out that creation is a female type, and light, a filling, is a male type. But this has nothing to do with corporeal men and women.

That is, a person is determined by the desire. You need to learn this and only then adjust yourself correctly. In general the work that a person does in his heart, in his desire, gradually adjusts him to the right appeal to nature, to the upper force, to receive strength and fulfillment from it.

In Kabbalah, prayer is the most important, most essential human action. Coming to the right prayer is our goal throughout the years of studying Kabbalah and, in general, throughout our lives.

Question: I understand that prayer should be from the heart. But is there a standard, best version of it to which a person should come? What should he ask, at least outwardly?

Answer: Ask for love for everyone, nothing more.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/25/22

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