Following the Spiritual Line of the Teacher

115Baal HaSulam had students whom he was holding at a spiritual degree. When he died, they fell from it. The same can be true for our students. Now they are at a certain degree, but when I will cease to exist…I do not even want to think how this can continue.

Naturally, the force that holds them will fall and they will not be able to maintain contact with me in the spiritual space. They will fall. This is the case with all Kabbalists and their students.

Comment: But you have students who have been studying with you for fifteen or twenty years.

My Response: It does not depend on time. To do this, one must be infinitely devoted to the teacher. Therefore, people prefer the son to take the place of his father. After all, a son, as a rule, does not go against the father. He follows him, and does not want to harm his father because from the point of view of egoism, this is also his possession.

Any other person, however, envies, thinks about himself, instinctively wants to exalt himself at your expense. This is what we need to overcome. This is how we are created, nothing can be done about this. But at the same time, therein lies the problem. It takes a lot of time and effort, until the student overcomes his “I” and merges with the teacher inside the teacher, only a few are capable of this.

The rest, however, are also advancing, it does not matter, each person performs his own function. But someone manages to follow the spiritual line after the teacher, someone else does not.

Rabash did it with Baal HaSulam. Nobody else succeeded in that. Nobody! I spoke with eyewitnesses, they said: “After Baal HaSulam died, all his disciples, except for Rabash…” Of course, they did something: they met, studied, taught others, but it was clear that all this was, what is called, ordinary courses for the general population.

The same is true about times after Rabash. I stepped aside, I did not want to deal with anyone. Then I was pulled into one group, there were only five or six people who forcibly made me their teacher, I did not want this. It is not that I did not know how, but I had to give up what I had and would ruin myself.

In general, everything is arranged from heaven. Then it turned out that gradually students began to gather who wanted me to teach them at least once a week. It probably was just the fact that the time had come.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Dr. Laitman’s Prophecy” 6/25/13

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