A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 3

547.06Spiritual War for the World

Only women, once they connect, can change the situation in the world and restore order in it. But unfortunately, women are not actively declaring themselves. Every country has laws that allow women to demand access to leadership in order to properly organize life in their countries.

Usually women fight for their own rights, for equality, and it’s perceived like a family showdown in the kitchen. But I’m talking about spiritual warfare. A woman must understand that this is the most important thing now, and she needs to oblige the whole world, similar to when a mother makes her children study, clean up after themselves, go to school, and wash. This is how the role of a woman should be seen—as the mother of humanity.

The whole world is waiting for the woman to begin to fulfill her role correctly and to obligate everyone to realize and attain the spiritual goal of the world. If we unite with each other in the right form, then we allow the upper light, the upper force of nature, to enter us and begin to influence us. This is the role of a woman, the role of a mother.

It turns out that the struggle should go not for the rights of women themselves, but for their ability to influence society. Women lack knowledge, connection, and organization. If they want to advance, they will have to learn a lot and accordingly connect correctly, learn about their mission, and with due wisdom and feeling realize their destiny. There is no other solution, just like with a child who does not want to learn.

It is not easy for a woman to do this because throughout history she is used to staying in the shadows. Only the right education will help. We must start with small roles, and from them a serious organization will develop.

A woman is obliged to know the program and purpose of creation, the stages through which we are moving forward, and how to reach them. Besides women who begin to study today are preparing themselves to become leaders of society and humanity.

You must be aware that you are fulfilling a special mission and must be more persistent every day and be ready to do everything to save humanity from those difficult trials that await us if we do not correctly implement this special stage.

I am sure that you are able to do this and I am ready to help in any way I can. I wish you success!
From KabTV’s “Women in the New World” 7/5/20, Part 1

Related Material:
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 2
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 1
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women

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