Contrary to the Selfish Nature

224Question: Why is there such a thing in nature that if a person commits some kind of offense, he must be punished?

Answer: It is not punishment, but correction. Only people punish each other just like that; nature punishes according to its program; therefore, this is called correction. In this way, it urges you to do what you have not done yet.

Comment: I am asking about the nature of a person, about his desire to punish others. If someone has done something, he must be punished, imprisoned, and lynched.

My Response: This is how the egoistic nature of a person manifests—to harm others. After all, in accordance with this, I feel good because I live by constantly comparing myself to others.

Question: How should it be?

Answer: Eventually there should be a completely different system with only mutual assistance in complementing each other up to the level of the Creator, connection, and mutual guarantee because we are all parts of one soul.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ideal Punishment” 10/5/13

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A System Of Correction, Not Punishment
Punishment For Bad Deeds
Re-Education Instead Of Punishment

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