By What Means Do Egoists Want to Feed the Population of the Earth?

961.1Once people made 5-year plans, plans for 30 or 50 years. Today, no one makes any plans at all; the main thing is to live for today and that is it, and then something will turn up.

Therefore, if we look from the point of view of the elites or a narrow circle of people who, as they think, choose to rule the world and force nature to act one way or another, it turns out that today there is no need for such a massive number of people.

If we now quietly, calmly, without any problems, with diseases, deaths, and break up of the family, and with people beginning to take seriously the rejection of marriage and having children, then within even one generation the population of the Earth will be halved. Then, over the next generation, it will be halved again, and so on. That is, let’s say, in a 100 years the population can be reduced to two billion.

A generation is replaced every 20 to 25 years. Imagine if a couple give birth to just one, then the population is reduced in half. If they do not give birth to anyone, then this is a 100% reduction.

Such research of population reduction plan ordered through the media, psychologists, and ideologists have long existed. Mass media, the development of the Internet, family problems, the promotion of homosexuality, drugs, and divorce, in general everything, is aimed at destroying the concept of the “institution of family.” All this has already been calculated and special programs are being created.

We can understand that this is being done painlessly, “with love” for humanity because otherwise we will not survive on earth. People “eat” each other, eat the earth, and destroy its balance, which already does not exist.

In order to feed the population in an egoistic way, there is not enough land. If we take into account the mountains, valleys, seas, oceans, forests, and pastures, it turns out we have an average of fourteen square meters per person. It is possible, of course, to build a huge number of cities, but this is not rational, it completely depletes the Earth. We have sucked everything out in some 50 years.

It means that we have a serious problem that can be solved by reducing the population to a reasonable limit. This problem is solved by egoists who reason sensibly. How else can we solve it? A huge number of people are like bees: there are drones, there are the workers, and there are those that are not workers. But with bees it is clear that there is a value in all the groups. But not here!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Destruction of the Earth’s Population” 9/11/13

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