When the Corrected Becomes More Precious than the New

261Question: The Japanese art of Kintsugi means golden joinery. It is the restoration of ceramic vessels using adhesive sap of the lacquer tree. Masters repair a broken jar and glue it together. Moreover, they do not just glue, but reveal cracks with gold paint, thereby showing the need for gluing.

Is it important to be able to glue things together?

Answer: In general, yes. If you know exactly their future purpose and evaluate them correctly, then gluing is a great correction.

Question: In Kabbalah we study the process of shattering and the need for correction through connection. Now we live in a society in which people practically do not fix anything: they buy something, use it, and throw it away. How important is it to be able to fix things, fix relationships, and fix lives?

Answer: I think, it is necessary. Man is a creature that doubts all the time, makes mistakes, and is willing to perform more and more new actions. Therefore, he must understand that besides the fact that good impulses are destined for us, we must be aware of them, check them, and try to correct them.

Question: Why glue at all? After all, you can find something new, some new vessel, a new occupation, a new thing.

Answer: No, there are things that are very dear to us, and we want them to be preserved. We want to deal with restored old things. Then the corrected thing becomes even more precious than something new or whole.

We see the same thing in our history, in nature, and in technology. Many things in nature break, and we glue them together, connect them, and give them new meaning, a new life. They serve us, and we love them despite the fact that they could have disappeared long ago, having served their time.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the Modern Turbulent World” 8/3/23

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