How Can We Pass the Pleasure to the Creator

530Question: How do we rely on the Creator in our sensations? How can I understand that my actions really bring contentment to Him and not to my egoism?

Answer: You must pass your actions through the group. If you bring contentment to the group, and your friends want to bring contentment to the Creator together with you, then you are acting correctly.

An indicator of receiving pleasure for the sake of the Creator is that as soon as you forget about Him, the pleasure stops.

Question: How do we correctly pass pleasure to the Creator?

Answer: It depends on the intention. You must gather as a group that is united by a common intention and common efforts to bring contentment to the Creator. And you should want to see and to feel that you all are connected with each other and with the Creator; that is how you pass the pleasure to Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/10/23, “Habit Becomes a Second Nature”

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