The Advantages of Mutual Preparation for a Meal

506.3Question: When preparing a meal for a group event, is there a difference between everyone building an intention at home alone, or is it better to get together and cook a meal with a common intention?

Answer: There is a big difference. If you prepare a meal together with a common intention, with common actions, if you help each other and set a common table your friends gather at, it means a lot. Cooking and eating together bring you closer together than a lot of lessons.

When preparing a meal, you need to think about the fact that you want to be together, in one heart, in one stomach, in one body. It brings people very close together. While eating, take your time, start to feel the taste in every part, in every spoon, in every piece of bread, in everything you do. You will see how much it connects you spiritually.

It is written both in the Torah and in The Book of Zohar about how nice and pleasant it is to sit at the table with your friends. You can be sure that such a meal brings you closer to each other and to the Creator.

Question: And what if the friends have decided that it is better for everyone to cook at home and bring the food to a common meal? Is it right?

Answer: This is also possible, but then it’s not a common task. Perhaps you don’t have the space and opportunities. We have special conditions for this in the Bnei Baruch center—a large, good kitchen. All meals are prepared only by our own people; we do not hire anyone from the outside.

So come and participate in the mutual preparation. We invite everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/9/23, “Habit Becomes a Second Nature”

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