Silence at Kabbalistic Meals

507.02Question: Silence is often used at Kabbalistic meals. How is it different from the usual meditation that is popular today all over the world?

Answer: We are still talking, but we are talking non-verbally, not opening the mouth. It is like we are talking with one another, objecting, agreeing, arguing, or discussing. This is all occurring without letting anything out from ourselves.

Meaning that you are not simply imagining some white light, narrowing down your worldview, or concentrating on some point, but rather you are having a normal conversation, only internally. It does have an influence. This influence of one upon another gradually manifests somewhere.

Question: What is the benefit of this?

Answer: This is a method where you do not interfere with anyone and others seemingly do not interfere with you. You can speak with any speed and say anything you wish, and later on you begin to understand the results of such conversations. I support this kind of interaction between people.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/23/22

Related Material:
The Power Of Silence
Silent Pledge
Roaring Silence

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