What Can a Person Attain?

226It is known that there is no thought or perception whatsoever in His self, and there is no name or appellation in Him, anything that we do not attain, how can we define it by a name? (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Restriction and Line,” Inner Observation, Chapter 1, Item 5).

We cannot attain the essence of the Creator because we have no feelings for this and no what is called Kelim (vessels). We can only somehow come closer to or more distant from His desires and His qualities, and thus feel and define Him, but not His essence. The essence is His original form, which is absolutely unattainable by us.

Question: Can we say that the essence is His thought, His plan?

Answer: It is more than thought; it is Him. Baal HaSulam revealed that we cannot comprehend the essence of the Creator, which is a very big, high attainment.

Question: Why would the Creator show us something that we cannot attain?

Answer: Because this also is an attainment. That is, I understand that I do not attain Him. It is an indication not only about the limits of my attainment, but also about what I have achieved.

According to Kabbalah, we can attain the relation of the Creator to the created beings, but not the Creator in relation to Himself or to other objects in the universe.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/30/22

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