The Purpose of Creation Is Absolute Adhesion with the Creator

239The matter of the restriction explains how an incomplete operation emerged from the perfect operator (Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, “Restriction and Line,” Inner Observation, Chapter 1, Item 9).

The fact is that everything in the universe is arranged so that created beings can discover, attain, understand the Creator, come closer to Him, and even connect with Him.

That is the purpose of creation—to bring creation to absolute adhesion with the Creator. This is possible only through equivalence of qualities of the creation and the Creator. That is why everything is created this way.

Question: Does it mean that the creation must first restrict its qualities and then become similar to the Creator?

Answer: The creation must restrict those qualities that are opposite to the Creator and develop  qualities similar to His within itself.
From KabTV’s The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES), 10/30/22

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