Questions about Spiritual Work—39

568.01Question: What is the intention to bring contentment to the Creator?

Answer: It is to make the Creator feel good. It can be a prayer, a request, or a spiritual action.

Question: What are the conditions of correction in order to feel not shame, but the light that you want to pass to us?

Answer: Only connection between us. Nothing else. Talk to each other about the ways to come even closer to each other.

Question: What prayer should be the main one in the last generation according to the place and action?

Answer: Connect with the friends and then together adhere to the Creator. Nothing else.

Question: It is said that there is a big difference between prayer today and prayer tomorrow. What does it mean?

Answer: Every day we have to think about new connections and new aspirations to the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, “Every Day They Will Be as New in Your Eyes,” in the Work?”

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