A Word Spoken…

560Question: Why is it harmful to gossip and slander?

Answer: There is nothing more harmful to people than bad thoughts, especially words. Their presence, development, influence, and interference is very harmful to the world. The most useful thing is to be silent.

Question: You said that sometimes your teacher Rabash spoke to himself and explained that his words should go out into the world. What power was there in the words he used?

Answer: The words that come out of a person, especially a person such as Rabash, have a very great power in influencing the world.

Well, for any person, including you and me, what we say flies away from us into the environment, and this affects everyone and everything.

Question: What is the best word to say more often?

Answer: Love.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

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Silence Preferred
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