Audio Version Of The Blog – 6/22/23

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We Are Not Going to Become Good Kittens

600.02Question: There is a story of a watchmaker. His work requires a lot of attention, precise actions. But sometimes, while working, the index finger of his left hand begins to twitch and it is impossible to work in this state. What does he do? He does not massage his finger, does not take pills to relieve cramps. He calls his mother, who lives thousands of kilometers away, and tells her: “Mom, you’re worried about me again. Stop worrying, I can’t work because of you.”

Tell me, how do you feel about this? It does not smack of mysticism that, suddenly, there is such a contact?

Answer: There are such contacts, of course. Especially between a mother and child. The child understands that at this moment his mother is thinking about him.

Question: In general, how is it that by our actions or thoughts we can unconsciously harm a loved one, a close one? Why were we not given this understanding?

Answer: We must develop in order to come to this with our own good will, to want it to be so.

Question: Can I control my thoughts by realizing that they are harmful? Let us say if I understand this, can I control them?

Answer: This requires training. This is big psychological training.

Question: Can I understand that any of my actions affects my neighbor?

Answer: Yes, absolutely.

Question: Then, in principle, can the world change?

Answer: In principle, the world was created in order for us to change it.

Question: If I develop joy, if I constantly develop good relationships, if I only do this, realizing that it helps my loved ones, is this really the way to move, like this?

Answer: About loved ones, close ones, it is another question. Any person, even any villain, can have such thoughts about helping loved ones.

Question: But in general is the development of a thought in the direction of joy, of helping, possible or not? Is this state possible or will egoism not allow us to do it?

Answer: It is only if you exist in a very special environment. Otherwise egoism is still in us. And there is nothing we can do about it.

Question: If I just live in the world and do not live in the special environment, as you say of those who want to develop it, then do you think anything will work?

Answer: No.

Comment: This is not so good.

My Response: Do you want to artificially remake what nature has done?

Question: If a person is introduced to the understanding that he is harming, for example, people close to him, will it not change him?

Answer: If he is harming people close to him, then yes, but in general, no. That is, for some narrow circle of people around a person this may be effective.

Question: And why have we been blocked from understanding that we are harmful with our thoughts? I understand that the Creator, the upper force, blocked this thought from us. Meaning, I can think badly about something else without thinking that I am thereby upsetting the whole balance, for example.

Answer: Of course.

Comment: The balance of the whole world!

My Response: Worldwide.

Comment: A person does not have such a thought.

My Response: Because it is far from him. Where does he see it next to him?

Comment: Yes, he does not make such a bunch, dependence.

My Response: This is impossible for a person. If he could clearly see that by doing this he was harming his little child or some relatives, then of course he would not do it. But then the whole world would have lost 90% of its spiritual resources. What would we do then if we were such servile well-wishers?

Question: So are you not for this?

Answer: No, of course not! That we can just be good kittens?

Question: Then how do we get out of this hatred?

Answer: Only by rising above it, to be opposite to it. Then it makes sense to live, to exist. Otherwise it is just an amoeba.

Question: Rise above hatred, what does it mean?

Answer: To rise above hatred is to reveal in yourself more and more hatred for others and to rise even higher above it. Left-right, left-right, and so on. Where the left is evil and the right is good. To climb this way. This is the Sulam, ladder.

Evil is necessary. That is why the Creator says: “I have created the evil inclination, and you people, with the help of what I have given you, conquer this evil and balance it with good.”

Question: And will I add evil to you again?

Answer: Yes, this is already a process.

Question: This is the ladder: evil – good, evil – good? That is how we move. What is there at the end, after all this climbing?

Answer: At the end, all evil turns into the same good. We receive, so to say, a double good. Meaning the future of evil is one way or another to turn into good. Only thanks to our work.

Question: What if I want to destroy evil? I am a plain, normal person.

Answer: There is no way you can do that. Evil cannot be destroyed. You can only rise above it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/29/23

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What Is A Thought?
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The Key to the Secret of Knowledge

232.08In the beginning, God created. “In the beginning” is the key, in which everything is hidden, and this is what closes and opens. (Introduction of The Book of Zohar, Chapter “Lock and Key”)

Question: In the article “Lock and Key” the word “In the beginning” (Beresheet) is constantly used. Why is it so important?

Answer: Beresheet includes the entire secret of concealment, and that is why it is so important. If we study the concealment and revelation of the Creator, then we examine everything around the word “Beresheet.” It is like a code with the help of which we enter into nature and reveal all its parts up to complete attainment.

Question: In principle, is the very word “Beresheet” (in the beginning) from which the Torah begins the key by which we reveal everything?

Answer: Yes, it is written so, “In the beginning, there was the word.”

Question: The article explains that Beresheet is Barah Sheet, that is, “created six.” What is the secret in this?

Answer: From the head part of this structure, which includes Keter, Hochma, and Bina, six parts are emanated: Hessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. The last part, Malchut, is absolutely closed. Only if the previous six parts are correctly assembled, is Malchut revealed, from which a person can understand everything that exists before it, that is, the entire system of governance of the universe.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

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The World Was Created By The Letter “Bet”
The First Word of God
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What Is the Body Created For?

608.01Question: There is a certain group of people to whom you can play the balalaika, and they feel it like a slap, and some other more “delicious” things they do not feel at all. Is it good when there is such a mass?

Answer: Of course it is good. The mass should not be different. Mass is the flesh in the body, let’s say bones, tendons, and muscle. It occupies 99% of the body. What does it exist for? It would be better if there were one head or not even a head, but a small microprocessor. That would be a person. Why do we need everything else at all?!

If we pull out a microprocessor from everyone, connect them together, or, let’s say, throw them into some kind of jar and they connect to each other, we will get some kind of common consciousness. And everything else, what do we need it for?! Let’s destroy it, throw it away, let it rot. Would that be better? No.

You see that we were created specifically in a world where around our thoughts, not even around a small corporeal ball, but around our thoughts, feelings, and desires that are not corporeal, there is a huge hundred-kilogram body that needs to be fed, moved, and serviced.

Why? For what? Because it is in this way, at these levels, that we must begin to correct desires. Precisely being at such a point outside of spirituality, in an animalistic desire, that we look at our spiritual part as if from the outside inward and can correct it. If I did not have an animalistic body, I would not be able to correct my soul because then I would be in it. In this way, however, I am outside of it and create and build it.

Question: When this mass of people comes to correction, does it perceive the common consciousness, this common thought, in the same way as the part that is a small ball?

Answer: They will perceive it the same way we do. Everyone will achieve the same awareness and sensation. It will be absolutely the same for everyone.

Comment: But at this stage there is a big difference between Kabbalists and the masses.

My Response: The difference is that they are calmer. “He who increases knowledge, increases pain.”

Question: Does it mean that if everyone possessed spiritual knowledge, they would feel great sorrow?

Answer: Of course. Therefore, the dissemination of spiritual knowledge in our world is so important in order for a person to feel the world more acutely and begin to do something with this world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mob and Pop music” 6/1/11

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Caring About The Body And The Soul
What Did The Creator Create: A Body Or A Soul?
The Perception Of Reality: Body And Soul

Spiritual Contact

917.01Comment: You said that a Kabbalist after leaving this world still does not lose touch with people. You say that as if you have already experienced disconnection and connection.

My Response: There is no need to disconnect from anything. I can see from my degree how I interact with everyone. I do not need to die or not to die for that. What does it matter if nothing remains of the body? It is irrelevant. On the contrary, there is an even better perception, new perspectives.

The body is essentially a connector between those who cannot yet connect in any other way.

Question: It turns out that the body is the same tool as, let’s say, the Internet. I use the Internet to connect with someone. The body is seemingly exactly such a network?

Answer: Yes, this is an external contact network that is partially or completely removed. It will be completely removed only at the end of the final correction when we transition to complete unification, complete merging.

Question: When you remember Rabash, do you perceive him physically?

Answer: Why physically? No. I have some kind of internal image and I work with it.

Question: In any case, are you always in contact with Rabash?

Answer: In general, yes.

Question: And how are your relationships with the chain of Kabbalists realized?

Answer: I feel myself among them, but first of all is the connection with Rabash. He is the closest to me among them. I lean on him all the time like a little one who is next to his father.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Teacher” 4/30/11

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In A Single System
Following The Teacher Who Sees The Way
The Connection Between Teacher And Student

Listening to Kabbalists

265Question: What measure of unity should people achieve? After all there are Kabbalists who study Kabbalah, and there are those not interested in it. How can they unite?

Answer: Listen to Kabbalists. Try to see with your mind that there is nothing else in the world.

If nature’s net gradually descends upon us, leading to a format where we must be completely united, integrally connected, in full interaction with each other like cogwheels in a mechanism, we need to learn to understand each other and rotate together harmoniously. You have to bring all your thoughts and desires in sync with me and with one more, and one more, etc.

There is nothing you can do. This is inherent in nature. This program is what it is, and it is being implemented. How you play your part, however, depends on you.

If you are a smart child, you will learn, seek, and try to be taught. Then you will realize that Kabbalists have something to offer you. You will feel they have some idea and will learn from them.

But if you don’t want to, you will be forced anyway; that is, you will get a good beating, maybe several deaths or even worse, torment, and then will be given the same opportunity. But you will already be wiser because suffering develops our minds.

Desire is our matter, and the mind develops to achieve the filling of this matter. The more matter feels suffering and emptiness, the more the mind develops to avoid this suffering and somehow be filled.

Therefore, one who has suffered is worth two who have not. That is all. If you beat him, he’ll get smarter: “I had enough, I’m ready now.” Because then your eyes open, your ears open.

But how to start hearing without suffering? Join a group and get the importance of correction from others. Then, instead of suffering, you will be more sensitive and advance in a more reasonable, kinder way. This is the purpose of creating a group.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Enjoying Fascism” 5/19/11

Related Material:
What Does Connection Based on Hatred Lead To?
Egoistic Altruism: The Path To Superorganism And Fascism
Unified By Love Or Hate

Alternative History of Mankind

115.07Question: You say that people have to go through several lifetimes to start thinking about its meaning. Are they gradually accumulating this knowledge or are they beginning to feel that it is necessary?

Answer: Along with the growth of egoism, people accumulate the ability to understand the world more. That is, the mind develops next to egoism, but it is an egoistic mind. At the same time, it begins to form a person: “Don’t be too nervous. We’re not that smart. We’re not that strong. There are more forces in nature, and so on.”

Question: After people left Babylon, they followed the path of the development of egoism. Could there have been another way if they had become constantly engaged in spirituality?

Answer: It is impossible. The human development program was supposed to bring us to today. Everything that was meant to happen had to come true.

Only from this moment onward does freewill appear. Everything that has happened to the Kabbalistic group called the Jews up to today was necessary for them to reach their last fourth redemption and correction. The world has evolved to a global state. Now this group must pass on to the world the methodology of global connection.

Therefore, everything had to be as it was. I cannot imagine how it could have been any different in ancient Babylon.

At every stage we need to desire complete correction. And whether it will happen or not is no longer our concern. After all, even today we face obstacles unknown to us, and we have to think about the final correction. We must strive for it in the form in which we imagine it. Everything is very simple.

Therefore, do not invent and try to reveal what will happen. We must participate in this movement in full force.

I act as if today or tomorrow we will definitely achieve global correction, and suddenly we will break through and everything will work out. Why should I think that there will be problems, suffering, and only after that will humanity start pulling its head, come to its senses, and adopt a method of correction? Maybe it will happen now. And that is why I am acting.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Alternative History of Mankind” 5/7/11

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Is It Possible To Change The Course Of History?
The Correct View Of The World
All Of History Is Inside Me

“What makes you hate people’s ego?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What makes you hate people’s ego?

A major problem with today’s world is that everyone blames everyone else.

If we, however, view ourselves as living in a completely interconnected and interdependent system, then everyone in that system is to blame: no one is right or wrong. If there is evil in the world, it is an outcome of every one of us.

Imagine that we are all cogwheels of the same machine. No single cogwheel can escape reward and punishment, because they are all connected to each other and mutually dependent. In such a setup, we cannot say that someone must turn or force others to turn because of others, but all move simultaneously. As such, we each need to undergo a certain correction and calibration of the way we conduct ourselves: to reach a mutual decision to stop turning in opposite directions and to start turning in the same direction, where we each primarily consider the benefit of others and the whole system that we are parts of.

Everyone is thus accountable for the way the world has turned out. There are no criminals or victims. We are all equally responsible for everything taking place, good and bad. We reach such an understanding when we see that we live in an integral world, which is represented by a circle that has no beginning or end. We thus have no single person we can point our finger at to blame for our problems. We each contribute to everything unfolding in humanity.

We have to reach the view of nature as a whole, interconnected and interdependent system, and to treat everyone differently than how we currently treat them: where instead of prioritizing self-benefit at their expense, we instead prioritize their benefit over self-benefit.

There is thus no ego of another person that we can justifiably hate but we need to reach the realization that I am the only criminal in the world. From that point on, I can start correcting my own ego and start developing a new attitude and perception of the world. I will then also start seeing a whole new harmonious and peaceful picture of the world open up.

Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
Photo by Alin Andersen on Unsplash.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/22/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, Article 26, “What Is, “There Is None as Holy as the Lord, for There Is None Besides You,” in the Work?”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom”

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Selected Highlights

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