What Does Connection Based on Hatred Lead To?

49.04Question: You gave an interesting definition of fascism. Fascism is a connection without correcting egoism. But, in principle, is it still a connection?

Answer: Sure. “Fascio” means linking a bundle together. Hence the concept of “fascism.”

What was Hitler’s idea? The connection of all Nordic nations, the creation of a super race. But they united on the basis of hatred for others. That is the whole problem. The result is mutual destruction.

Question: Does it mean that the right connection is connection through the upper force?

Answer: Yes, only through it. Between a man and a woman, between two people, and between everyone else. There can be no unity if you do not take the quality of the Creator, the quality of bestowal. It is above our egoism, and therefore is called the upper force.

Question: But how can people take it if they are not predisposed to spirituality at all?

Answer: So there will be another war, more destruction, until they get smarter.

Comment: But not all people will come to the wisdom of Kabbalah.

My Response: They won’t come, but they will suffer from the fact that they do not have this knowledge and that they still need to unite in some way, otherwise the world has no right to exist.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Enjoying Fascism” 5/7/11

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