The Main Factor of Education

917.01Question: When I was a child from ages six to sixteen, my parents drove me to the stadium to run five kilometers. Every weekend we went to the mountains for a 24 kilometer run. After that, I developed a wild hatred for sports.

When you give a child an education that will help him in the future, how can you make sure that he does not get scared and does not run away from it?

Answer: Education should take place under the influence of the environment. Parents are, of course, good. But in principle, in any society a child is not educated by by parents. He is educated by the environment, by the community, by some great big family like a flock.

Already in the womb, the baby is being brought up there. Then he is born and is raised next to his mother, near her breast, and after that he moves away a little and his education takes place under the influence of society.

That is, first comes the internal animalistic development, then, after birth, the external, preparatory one, the period of nursing. Until the age of three, he is not a socially developed being, but from the age of three, society becomes included in his education.

Here no influence of parents as such should be traced. It is the influence of society that shows a person that it is important, that interaction with it is important, and that integration in it is important.

This is the correct education, especially in our time when we are entering the period of a global integral society, which is still being formed and will happen some way or other. Therefore, the more we teach the child the art of communication and integration with society, the better this is for him. Then the society will tell whether he should run to the stadium.

But only together with others. Then it will be simpler, easier, more interesting, and more attractive for him. He will do it with pleasure, and not under pressure from his parents.

See what impressions you have. If you did it with your peers, you might have done work ten times harder, but you would have been inspired, like with all the games in childhood.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Influence of Society” 4/30/11

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