Good Future for our Children

294.4Question: What does “proper upbringing” mean?

Answer: Proper upbringing is the creation of a correct environment around each person. Through the Internet and through the media, people can be led to understand that the influence of the environment on a person is the most important thing.

We parents need to start uniting among ourselves for the sake of our children and create the right structure for education.

Kabbalah prescribes this in great detail. Kindergartens, schools, and universities should be built on a completely different principle. The science of Kabbalah has been talking about this for thousands of years.

Question: Are there any results?

Answer: Of course! Within the framework of our community, there are children’s groups all over the world in which children are educated according to Kabbalistic principles, and they show how differently they relate to themselves, to life, to each individual, and to humanity. They understand the meaning of life and what they live for. They have a completely different outlook, they are different.

We are talking about the fact that the world will not be able to function if it is not united! People cannot exist unless they are united. That is, we tell the truth and teach children the method of correct existence. They study the principles of association, interdependence, mutual obligations, and all kinds of mutual concessions. It’s a whole education system. This is the most important thing in the world!

If we create such conditions for our children, then literally in 10 to 15 years we will get a completely new generation.

Let’s get on with it! The world needs nothing more. Moreover, by working with our children, we will correct ourselves. Let’s make a different world for them! We will kind of play in order to create the right environment for them. Nothing else needs to be done. This is enough to live normally, quietly, calmly, and most importantly, to create a good future for the children.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Europe Today” 1/26/11

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