The Proper Upbringing of a Child

506.1Comment: You recently called modern education of children coercive.

My Response: Our current education is, of course, coercion.

A poor child is given a backpack or a briefcase, and that is it. He goes off to school for half a day. And what does he see there?

Suppose young children still have underdeveloped egoism. A child is placed at the desk, everyone is sitting, he is sitting, and using the herd instinct.

But, in principle, it is necessary to educate in a live manner, in nature, in motion. Children are already sitting with their computers with all sorts of cartoons before school. They sit more than they move and play.

Proper education is in movement, in games, in interaction with each other, in live interaction with the teacher, in understanding the world, animals, visiting all sorts of enterprises, in discussing everything that happens.

It is also in discussion that children find a common language with each other that develops for up to twenty years. At the same time, you are building a new society; from school to school, to enterprises, to hospitals, anywhere, they must walk together, discuss together, and thus gradually adapt to another world, feel it closer and better. For them, loaves of bread do not grow on trees.

This is what we need. In this way the whole section of the population, class by class or group by group, moves toward entering the world. They become properly interconnected by integral education, upbringing, and so on.

This should be done literally from kindergarten.

Comment: But you said that one should not put pressure on human nature.

My Response: Is this putting pressure? This is to attract the upper light in order for it to correct it. We have to do this as parents.

Why do you think that you do not put pressure on a child? Now you turn him into whatever you want, you force him. What does he understand, this little one? You take him to various activities, here and there.

Question: Does this mean that from childhood it is necessary to educate a child, but to educate him correctly?

Answer: In the integral community, of course. They, in general, are drawn to this because their egoism develops much later.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Proper Upbringing of a Child” 10/5/13

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