A Single Universal Mind

294.3Question: Are all eight billion inhabitants of our planet part of a single mind? What will they be next?

Answer: They will represent a single mind then. But now, when they are broken, there is not any mind.

As they unite, a common collective mind will arise that is based on connection, on mutual leveling before each other, on mutual union, where each one lowers himself in order to unite with the other and is included in the other and the others are included in him. As a result of such mutual inclusion, this mind will appear among people.

When everyone wants to unite with each other, suddenly a light emerges among them, and the upper force appears, a state called “adhesion with the Creator.” Thus, He appears among them.

Question: What is the difference between small personal minds of people and this single mind?

Answer: Personal minds are egoistic, and they serve only themselves. It is a mind of a small animal body that takes care of itself and tries to ultimately extract from the surrounding world everything it can in order to grab and energetically and corporeally fill itself.

The universal mind is when you connect to the entire universe, when you are part of it, part of the common brain, and you participate in everything together with it. Our current mind is not a mind because it exists in a small cell only to maintain its existence.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Collective Mind” 9/7/13

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