Elderly People and Children: A Protective Reaction of the Body

503.02Question: It is believed that elderly people and children have a lot in common, but they have different levels of consciousness. Elderly people start having memory problems.  Children simply do not understand somethings, and some elderly people instantly forget what is happening. Why is it like this?

Answer: In both children and adults, this is a reaction of the body that protects itself from unnecessary influences. Children’s bodies just protect them from being overloaded with unnecessary information that can harm them. For elderly people, this is how protection is expressed as their body is no longer able to implement this information. Therefore, their gradual decline occurs.

The factor of the environment is very important here; it makes people work and constantly generates new sensations, qualities, and attainments.

Therefore, studying Kabbalah can radically change a person. We are not talking about fate, not about the length of life, how long a person is given to live, but, in principle, “how to live” is of great importance because if people were engaged in spiritual development, their quality of life would be completely different.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Childhood and Old Age?” 4/16/11

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