Spiritual Contact

917.01Comment: You said that a Kabbalist after leaving this world still does not lose touch with people. You say that as if you have already experienced disconnection and connection.

My Response: There is no need to disconnect from anything. I can see from my degree how I interact with everyone. I do not need to die or not to die for that. What does it matter if nothing remains of the body? It is irrelevant. On the contrary, there is an even better perception, new perspectives.

The body is essentially a connector between those who cannot yet connect in any other way.

Question: It turns out that the body is the same tool as, let’s say, the Internet. I use the Internet to connect with someone. The body is seemingly exactly such a network?

Answer: Yes, this is an external contact network that is partially or completely removed. It will be completely removed only at the end of the final correction when we transition to complete unification, complete merging.

Question: When you remember Rabash, do you perceive him physically?

Answer: Why physically? No. I have some kind of internal image and I work with it.

Question: In any case, are you always in contact with Rabash?

Answer: In general, yes.

Question: And how are your relationships with the chain of Kabbalists realized?

Answer: I feel myself among them, but first of all is the connection with Rabash. He is the closest to me among them. I lean on him all the time like a little one who is next to his father.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Teacher” 4/30/11

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