Listening to Kabbalists

265Question: What measure of unity should people achieve? After all there are Kabbalists who study Kabbalah, and there are those not interested in it. How can they unite?

Answer: Listen to Kabbalists. Try to see with your mind that there is nothing else in the world.

If nature’s net gradually descends upon us, leading to a format where we must be completely united, integrally connected, in full interaction with each other like cogwheels in a mechanism, we need to learn to understand each other and rotate together harmoniously. You have to bring all your thoughts and desires in sync with me and with one more, and one more, etc.

There is nothing you can do. This is inherent in nature. This program is what it is, and it is being implemented. How you play your part, however, depends on you.

If you are a smart child, you will learn, seek, and try to be taught. Then you will realize that Kabbalists have something to offer you. You will feel they have some idea and will learn from them.

But if you don’t want to, you will be forced anyway; that is, you will get a good beating, maybe several deaths or even worse, torment, and then will be given the same opportunity. But you will already be wiser because suffering develops our minds.

Desire is our matter, and the mind develops to achieve the filling of this matter. The more matter feels suffering and emptiness, the more the mind develops to avoid this suffering and somehow be filled.

Therefore, one who has suffered is worth two who have not. That is all. If you beat him, he’ll get smarter: “I had enough, I’m ready now.” Because then your eyes open, your ears open.

But how to start hearing without suffering? Join a group and get the importance of correction from others. Then, instead of suffering, you will be more sensitive and advance in a more reasonable, kinder way. This is the purpose of creating a group.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Enjoying Fascism” 5/19/11

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