Alternative History of Mankind

115.07Question: You say that people have to go through several lifetimes to start thinking about its meaning. Are they gradually accumulating this knowledge or are they beginning to feel that it is necessary?

Answer: Along with the growth of egoism, people accumulate the ability to understand the world more. That is, the mind develops next to egoism, but it is an egoistic mind. At the same time, it begins to form a person: “Don’t be too nervous. We’re not that smart. We’re not that strong. There are more forces in nature, and so on.”

Question: After people left Babylon, they followed the path of the development of egoism. Could there have been another way if they had become constantly engaged in spirituality?

Answer: It is impossible. The human development program was supposed to bring us to today. Everything that was meant to happen had to come true.

Only from this moment onward does freewill appear. Everything that has happened to the Kabbalistic group called the Jews up to today was necessary for them to reach their last fourth redemption and correction. The world has evolved to a global state. Now this group must pass on to the world the methodology of global connection.

Therefore, everything had to be as it was. I cannot imagine how it could have been any different in ancient Babylon.

At every stage we need to desire complete correction. And whether it will happen or not is no longer our concern. After all, even today we face obstacles unknown to us, and we have to think about the final correction. We must strive for it in the form in which we imagine it. Everything is very simple.

Therefore, do not invent and try to reveal what will happen. We must participate in this movement in full force.

I act as if today or tomorrow we will definitely achieve global correction, and suddenly we will break through and everything will work out. Why should I think that there will be problems, suffering, and only after that will humanity start pulling its head, come to its senses, and adopt a method of correction? Maybe it will happen now. And that is why I am acting.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Alternative History of Mankind” 5/7/11

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