What Is the Body Created For?

608.01Question: There is a certain group of people to whom you can play the balalaika, and they feel it like a slap, and some other more “delicious” things they do not feel at all. Is it good when there is such a mass?

Answer: Of course it is good. The mass should not be different. Mass is the flesh in the body, let’s say bones, tendons, and muscle. It occupies 99% of the body. What does it exist for? It would be better if there were one head or not even a head, but a small microprocessor. That would be a person. Why do we need everything else at all?!

If we pull out a microprocessor from everyone, connect them together, or, let’s say, throw them into some kind of jar and they connect to each other, we will get some kind of common consciousness. And everything else, what do we need it for?! Let’s destroy it, throw it away, let it rot. Would that be better? No.

You see that we were created specifically in a world where around our thoughts, not even around a small corporeal ball, but around our thoughts, feelings, and desires that are not corporeal, there is a huge hundred-kilogram body that needs to be fed, moved, and serviced.

Why? For what? Because it is in this way, at these levels, that we must begin to correct desires. Precisely being at such a point outside of spirituality, in an animalistic desire, that we look at our spiritual part as if from the outside inward and can correct it. If I did not have an animalistic body, I would not be able to correct my soul because then I would be in it. In this way, however, I am outside of it and create and build it.

Question: When this mass of people comes to correction, does it perceive the common consciousness, this common thought, in the same way as the part that is a small ball?

Answer: They will perceive it the same way we do. Everyone will achieve the same awareness and sensation. It will be absolutely the same for everyone.

Comment: But at this stage there is a big difference between Kabbalists and the masses.

My Response: The difference is that they are calmer. “He who increases knowledge, increases pain.”

Question: Does it mean that if everyone possessed spiritual knowledge, they would feel great sorrow?

Answer: Of course. Therefore, the dissemination of spiritual knowledge in our world is so important in order for a person to feel the world more acutely and begin to do something with this world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mob and Pop music” 6/1/11

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