The Sufferings of Love Are Sweet

515.02Question: Is the ordinary suffering in this world not enough for us, must we add suffering to ourselves by yearning to reach the upper world? Does it mean that by embarking on the spiritual path, a person doubles his sufferings?

Answer: Yes, you multiply your suffering in order to traverse this path as soon as possible! What else can push you forward?

However, we are not sent suffering from above, we by ourselves need to reveal the suffering of love within us.

The reforming light causes us the sufferings of love for it, and we rush forward driven by these sufferings, and not by life’s sufferings like animals who are beaten, do not understand anything, and run away from the blows of fate.

Therefore, from above they are waiting for us to start acting. But we think, well, we can wait until help comes from above and everything is arranged by itself.

But what kind of help can come from above besides the sufferings of the corporeal world that will make us move forward?!

If you are included in the group, you will get spiritual sufferings and you will start moving faster.

This is a feeling of spiritual emptiness, the sufferings of love. Then there will be no need to push you with ordinary sufferings.

If you yourself are yearning to move forward at the speed that is determined for you according to your initial spiritual data, your Reshimot, then there is no need to push you by a “stick to happiness”.

However, if you already rise so high that you connect with all the other souls, you begin to suffer for them, as a mother suffers for her children. Therefore, it seems to us that Kabbalists also suffer in this world.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/1/10, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot

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