The Psychology of Complacency

571.01Comment: When a person begins to study Kabbalah, he goes through various stages including one when he is fanatical about what he is doing.

My Response: He is like a little child because little children are fanatical too. The child gets used to his pacifier, to his chair, to his rag, or toy, and he cannot tear himself away from them. This is a sense of security, confidence, belonging, and a sense of something that he lacks, i.e., a purely psychological help.

Why is he holding on to all these external objects and external customs so much? From the point of view of psychology, they mean a lot to him. Look, people wear a red thread on their arm. Is it good or bad? It just helps them calm down a little and gives them confidence that everything will be all right.

On the other hand, this, of course, prevents them from moving forward to become a grown-up person and not remain a small child who depends on a red thread. This is a lie, as are, in principle, all other psychological practices.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Fanaticism!!!” 6/14/11

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