Develop Faith in the Creator

961.2During the work, he felt that he could not overcome the evil in him, it is because he was still not rewarded with entering Kedusha. However, he believes that as soon as he enters Kedusha the Sitra Achra will be canceled as a candle before a torch (Rabash, Article No. 3 (1987) “All of Israel Have a Part in the Next World“).

Question: What causes the transition from one degree to another in spiritual work?

Answer: Over time we will feel it for ourselves. Now, we just need to go deeper into ourselves and feel that first degree, which, in principle, we may already be in.

Question: The article mentions several times that you need to believe. For me today, the word “believe” is perceived in two ways. Does it have something to do with spiritual degrees?

Answer: This concept is connected with the quality of faith in the Creator. If you do not feel the Creator at all, how can you ask Him for anything? Therefore, this first feeling is the weakest. But still, a person should already have a connection with the Creator. And then he needs to develop the quality of faith.

Question: It turns out that faith is an active inner action, right?

Answer: Yes, not at the first degree, but at the second.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/26/23, Writings of Rabash “All of Israel Have a Part in the Next World“

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