Don’t Let Your Mouth Cause the Arrival of an Evil Thought

527.01Question: Why is so much importance attached to the fact that “one must not let one’s mouth cause the arrival of an evil thought”?

Answer: When you speak out loud and breathe something positive or negative out of yourself, you connect with the entire world and are awakening positive or negative waves in it.

Question: But a bad action is more harmful than mere slander, correct? In principle, Kabbalists always wrote about slander as something very terrible that destroys the system, but they did not talk about actions at all. Was this something that goes without saying?

Answer: Yes, of course. It is clear that the bad actions of an individual harm others. But even if the negativity comes from words or thoughts, it is bad for the whole system.

Comment: But I cannot control my thoughts.

My Response: Correct yourself so that these thoughts do not arise in you. The main thing is to try.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

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