How Do Words Affect Matter?

627.2Question: I heard about an experiment that was conducted where people wrote various words on bottles containing water. They froze the bottles of water and examined the structure of the ice crystals that developed under a microscope. These formations were very different from each other.

Some were beautiful, and some, on which such words as, for example, “war” or “death” were written, were not. How do words affect matter?

Answer: It does not matter how, but all words and thoughts affect matter. We live in one common world where inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, and a person’s thoughts and feelings are all combined into one single system in which everything is interconnected. I hope people will gradually understand that we have to think about what we are saying.

Question: Is there a connection between oncological diseases and a person’s thoughts?

Answer: They say that the negative thoughts and words of a person have a bad effect on him and other people.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

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