The Result Of Our Thoughts

439Question: Do we program the cells of our body with our thoughts for such work when they begin to consume each other?

Answer: The fact is that we are in contact with the common field surrounding us, which is intelligent and sentient, and we fill it with our mind and feelings. As a result, the same problems are felt at lower levels: animate, vegetative, and inanimate.

Therefore, at the animate level, our body—as an animal—receives all negative influences from this field, reacts to them, and begins to get sick and suffer. It is the same for the vegetative and inanimate world. We see what is happening.

Question: Is this the reason that even animals have cancer today?

Answer: All of this is a result of our thoughts. All of it! This is the problem.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up, The Philadelphia Experiment” 10/24/10

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