An Anti-Semitic View of the World

961.1Question: Why is there an attitude toward Jews as if they are doing something that annoys the entire world? Having lived in Israel for some time, I see that, in principle, they do not accept each other. It seems to me that nationalism is much stronger here than in other places. Is that what causes the anti-Semitism?

Answer: I understand that you are trying to find the roots of anti-Semitism. With your anti-Semitic view, you see the problem in the Jews. I agree with that.

But you cannot see in any other way. After all, you will never be able to walk in a Jew’s shoes, to feel the millennia of exile and the attitude of the whole world toward you, and your attitude toward the world. It is impossible to describe.

All studies of this paradox of anti-Semitism will lead to nothing and will give nothing. It is impossible to investigate it at the philistine level, but only if we rise to the root of these problems. In order to rise to it, you need to feel this root.

I basically do not see any point in talking about it because such an attitude lies deeply within people in their sense of the world and in their nature, which is absolutely opposite to the nature of the Creator.

In the Jews, however, there is a point that comes from the Creator. I am not saying that it is good. On the contrary, it is negative in them, broken, and inverse to the Creator. But, nevertheless, it is in them.

Therefore, there is a special prejudice against them on the part of other nations. There is nothing you can do about it. Nothing.

Only those individuals who have a point in their heart and are working on themselves to understand their nature, begin, at the same time, to feel its source, including the root of anti-Semitism.

From a spiritual point of view, anti-Semitism is directed by the upper force at Jews through other nations in order to lead this historical wave in the world and bring it to a certain decision, to the goal.

Therefore it is useless to try to figure it out. I just want people to state it as a fact and that is it. You cannot do anything and you cannot prove anything to anyone. You are an egoist and anti-Semite. This is how you were created. This should be accepted as a given.

You will not be able to jump out of yourself and think differently. There are some things that a person cannot figure out yet. So there is no need to be confused with them. I recommend this to everyone except people with a point in the heart.

Those who really develop a point in the heart gradually begin to feel a different universe, the one from the Creator’s side. Then they see why the world is divided in this way and what is happening here. A paradoxical picture of all this is being revealed to them.

It is not about the Jews, but about the separation of nations throughout the entire huge human movement toward reaching the purpose of creation.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of Jews” 6/3/11

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Reasons For Anti-Semitism
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