How Can You Deceive Yourself?

284Question: You have repeatedly said that you can deceive your ego and somehow learn to use it and that egoism is like a donkey that runs after a carrot. How can you deceive your nature so that it allows you to go the right way?

Answer: There is no need to deceive your nature; you will not be able to deceive it. There are many means, when you look at others and connect with them, when you learn from all of humanity how to come closer to everyone, when you examine the surrounding society and learn something, they teach you, they tell you, and you gradually become imbued with it.

But the most important thing is that in all these attempts there is nothing required of you except the desire to make yourself a global, integral community with everyone. That is all. Just make an attempt, and through it you want to become good and big. This desire is enough.

As soon as it is manifested on your part, the good attitude of nature immediately appears toward it and you begin to change. All you need is a desire, like a small child who wants to be big. You need nothing, just this kind of effort, “I want,” and that is enough.

Then you come to a completely different inner structure, to an integral community, and to a feeling not of I, but of we. You begin to perceive the world around you as your world. Previously it seemed to you that you wanted to conquer it so that it would be yours. It is in this form that you will receive it when you begin to connect with it in the form of we and not in the form of I or mine.

The world will not be mine, but ours, and you will feel this “our” world as your own, as absolutely safe, absolutely even, and open.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Deceive Yourself?” 5/28/11

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