The Spiritual State of “The Night of the Bride”

525Question: The article “The Night of the Bride” in the “Introduction to the Book of Zohar” begins with the fact that Rabbi Shimon studied the Torah at night when the bride unites with her husband. Who are the husband and the bride? What is it about?

Answer: “The Night of the Bride” is a state that humanity goes through before attaining the Creator, when the Creator does not yet reveal the desires of people in order to awaken their hearts.

In other words, “night” is a state of concealment, “bride” is all of humanity, our soul, our desires, and “husband” is the Creator.

Question: Why then could it not be written: “Humanity unites with the Creator”? Why specifically “bride” and “her husband”?

Answer: I think that Rabbi Shimon decided to express what he felt in this way. Moreover, he expressed his feelings in this way because he felt spirituality very deeply, and not because he saw an artistic image according to which everything that humanity experiences before the revelation of the Creator is called “night,” and the connection of humanity with the Creator is called “wedding ceremony.”
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 11/12/23

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