Think Spiritually

237Question: How can we convey to the Creator the pleasures we receive in the material world?

Answer: The Creator does not need the pleasures you receive in our world that you wish to transfer to Him.

The Creator wants us first to unite as one person with one heart, and from this heart that we would ask Him to correct our common heart for bestowal.

Question: The fact that Israel could not bestow in Egypt and they had to go out to another land suggests that we need to separate ourselves from the desires of the society where we find ourselves and work only with spiritual desires, right?

Answer: In principle, yes. We must internally isolate ourselves from the whole world and constantly think about how to master the property of bestowal and love. In this way, we will gradually desire this, and the Creator will help us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Need for an Act from Below”

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