Unite into One Common Whole

935Question: Do we already have Kelim of Haman, or do we still need to grow them?

Answer: We do not need to grow anything; we only wish to receive these Kelim of Haman and the Light of Mordechai in them.

To do this, we must look for ways to unite, although we are all egoists. By turning to the Creator with a request for unity above egoism, we will be able to receive a common Kli, a common desire, suitable for receiving the upper light. It is our work.

Question: What do we lack in unification to come to this request, and would the Creator raise us?

Answer: Together you must compress into one common whole. Strive for a single desire that you could direct to the Creator so that He would correct it and fill it with the light of Mordechai.

There is nothing complicated here. Connect your desires and ask the Creator to fill them with the highest light.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

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