The State of Peace between Husband and Wife

963.5“A man and a woman, if they are rewarded, the Shechina [Divinity] is between them.” We should ask, If they are opposite, how can there be peace between them?

It is specifically when one becomes worthy, when he inverts reception into bestowal, called “receiving in order to bestow,” there is peace between them. Otherwise, they are in dispute or that one yields before the other. Yielding is not regarded as love in wholeness, for the one who yields always waits for when he will regain the power of control (Rabash, Article 240, “Discernments in States”).

The state of peace between a husband and wife, striving together to build something common does not consist of one plus one, but is a single whole. This state is named divinity since the Creator resides in it.

One common whole is reached when each spouse completely tunes in to the other and understands that they make up a unified entity that never exists separately.

Question: So I should not even consider myself a separate category?

Answer: Never! It is an inner feeling for both of you. There is no one without the other or each of you separately. And when you come together in this way, then in this unity, you feel the presence of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/19/24

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